1. Notice on the dividend record date
To enhance predictability of dividends for shareholders, Lotte Corporation
(hereafter “the Company”) changed the dividend record date as follows
through an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation at the general
shareholder’s meeting held on March 28, 2024
[Before Revision] End of each fiscal year (December 31)
[After Revision] Date determined by the Board of Directors
2. Notice regarding the dividend record date
Please note that under the revised Articled of Incorporation, shareholders
holding the Company’s stocks on December 31, 2024, will not receive
year-end dividends unless they also hold stocks on the record date for the
Company’s year-end dividends for 2024.
3. According to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, the record date for
voting right remains at the last day of FY2024(December 31), which is
same as before